
Summer news!! (January 2018)

Hello everyone.

I trust you have all had a very good festive period both in Business and personal lives.

We had a very very busy period. We are no longer doing 24hour shifts, It was just too much, but we will do it again when the need arises. It served its purpose to give all of our customers the service they deserve.

Just to give you general info of what is hot and what is not.

Tomatoes have been a bit high, but we have started with good local growers and as of today tomatoes have almost halved in price. That’s the rounds, the jams have been down for a while.

Potatoes tried to spike as the rain we have been having has made the  lifting quite difficult, that with month end weekend for farmers, it made stock a bit short.

We are not adjusting our prices as we know the market will drop back down ASAP.

Stone fruit are still good. Apricots may or may not return for a final show, but right now we are out.

Prunes are available if you want, and the trays of yellow peaches are amazing, the tubs are good but if you want BIG fruit go for the trays and specify you want large.

The apple season is delayed due to the drought.  I think that the summer fruit season out of the Cape will be dismal this year.  Thankfully for now our fruit has been great.

My strawberry farmer informed me yesterday that he is now out… He has stopped picking. It does concern me a bit about Valentines?

Asparagus is still around, as are Blueberries, but Cape Gooseberries have been short.

Mangoes is still early in season, so we are still stuck on the Tommy Atkin variety, we have been getting a few Rosa, but they are small and in half trays,

The best Varieties of mangoes are still to come, I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED, as this is something we look forward to every year.

Watermelons  are still good, not as big, but nice.

As for something different…

We have the full range of Micro Herbs.

Gourmet tomatoes

Watercress on a continuous basis.

Pok choi

Our full Range of herbs is strong baby spinach but we are getting everyone what they need, which is quite surprising in this HEAT.

Heirloom Golden and Chioggia  candy striped beet

Edible flowers

Local granadillas, a lovely local grower has just started supplying us.

Range of frilly and other Fancy lettuces. As well as our salad packs, Dargle farmer has started late last year.

Sweet potatoes are good too.

Generally a good time of year for us as we have such an amazing array of farmers, big and small, supplying us directly.

Quite a few of our Farmers have been smacked by hail, but thankfully we have farmers spread out all over the place, we will have a gap or two , for example today we are short of Broccoli, but we will get again.

I do hope all this information helps.

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Warmest regards

Chris Kinsley

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